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Wellbeing audits
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YoCo Studio - Brand Photography-420_edited.jpg

With such a focus on wellbeing at work, you’d think we would all be super confident, resilient and feeling amazing. But although many organisations invest in wellbeing, our workforce has never been more stressed or unwell (check out the latest CIPD Health and wellbeing at work survey)

How can you find out what’s not working and why in your organisation? â€‹

Insight into your organisation's wellbeing

I offer a comprehensive wellbeing audit that centres on 3 key areas: 


  • Working practices and processes

  • Leadership and culture

  • Existing wellbeing programmes and benefits

How does it work?

​The audit process follows 4 distinct stages, and I will work with you closely at every stage:


  • Defining the audit’s scope and objectives

  • Research and data collection

  • Listening to employees’ experiences

  • Detailed reporting with actionable recommendations


The audit will help you to learn what’s working well and what could be better, so you’re in a much better position to make informed choices about your organisational wellbeing, and make changes that will make a real difference.

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